Member schools are encouraged to contribute news and articles to the ISSN website.
These submissions should be in these general areas.
- Trips outgoing – Recent or current International trips and visits that your students have been on.
- Trips incoming – Recent visitors to your school as part of your International Programme.
- Collaborative projects – Collaborative projects that your students have been or are being a part of.
- ISSN School News – Any School news related to success in Science and Maths that you would like to highlight.
- Looking back at ISSF – News or articles related to the last ISSF.
- Looking forward to ISSF – Any news relating to the upcoming ISSF – including news of staff and students who are attending, an outline of their projects, requests for meet-ups with other schools.
- Collaborations wanted – Any ‘Collaborations wanted’ – such as if your school would like to work with an International partner on a collaborative project. These projects do not necessarily need to involve travel.
Any photos sent must be under 100MB in size, and must have a caption supplied within the text of the email please. Photos that do not meet these criteria cannot be included. Please indicate which section of the website the item is for.
I can also pull photographs from Facebook pages for use on the website if you direct me to these. Please note that any documents and photos sent as part of PDF files will be published as links and not in full on the webpage. If you would like the articles to be published on your section of the website, please supply it in Word format.
The address to send website items to is